
Page 38 © 2012 Texas Instruments Educaon Technology
Ready to grab A and slide it
Changing the aributes of the triangle
Now move to the top of the screen and enter some text, perhaps giving the user some explanaon or
instrucons. You will need to press:
b16 to select the Text opon,
Then click to start a box where text can be entered.
Note you cannot do carriage returns in text boxes so do put in two lines you must use two text boxes!
If you haven’t yet done so, try grabbing point A and sliding it
along its line. Make quite certain that you grab the point––
you must see its label. You may need to press e unl the
point itself, rather than the triangle or label is selected. If you
do select the wrong item it is well worth remembering that
/d will undo any acon if something happens that you
didn’t intend!
Noce that as you move the point, two sides of the triangle
and the label A all move too. What does not change however,
is the area.
Now try grabbing and dragging point B or C, and then the
line segment BC and the line parallel to it. In each case noce
which other items on the screen move, and which do not.
Thinking about how each item was originally dened should
explain whether it moves in relaon to other items.
Finally it’s well worth seeing how to improve the appearance
of the screen and prevenng items from being grabbed
For this acvity the scale in the top right corner may not be
needed. You can hide it with opon 8 in the View menu.
The point that denes the parallel line may be rather
distracng, so you could hide it using opon 3 in the
Acons menu.
Now from the Acons menu choose opon .
Move the cursor to one of the sides of the triangle and
click (x) to select it.
This allows you to change the thickness and style of the line.
Press · to conrm your choices.
To change the shading of the shape, you need to ‘right-click’
on the triangle by placing the cursor over one of the edges
and pressing /b.