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Coordinates and labelled points
It’s easy to change the number of decimal
places displayed: move the cursor over a
displayed value and press - or +.
Noce that all the intersecons are added at once and that
their co-ordinates are automacally displayed.
We will now use the Text tool: b16. Try labelling one
of your xed points by moving carefully to the point––make
quite certain that only the point is highlighted and not one
of the graphs or axes.
Points, lines and shapes can be drawn and manipulated on
the graphing work area and this will be explored in the next
tutorial. However, one more thing to try now is pung a grid
on the work area. Press b26.
As well as tracing graphs and using the Points tool, important
points on graphs can also be idened by using the
tool. We will nd the right-hand root of our quadrac
funcon by pressing b61 to acvate the tool. Then
select the quadrac graph by clicking on it with x, you will
then be prompted to select a lower bound my moving the
cursor somewhere to the le of the desired root and click
(x) and then to the right of the root and click again (x).
There are number of features that can be idened using
the Analyse Graph tool, spend some me exploring the other
opons available by pressing b6.
Lower Bound
Upper Bound