Add-On Battery Pack
When charged separately, the Add-On Battery Pack takes about 3.5 hours to fully
charge. When installed
along with the Internal Battery, charging takes about 5-1/2 hours.
The indicator on the top right of the Add-On Battery Pack blinks while it is being charged, and illuminates
when it is at least 70 percent charged.
When mounted on the computer, the Add-On Battery Pack is connected in parallel with the internal battery.
When operated in this configuration, the computer automatically draws power from whichever of the two
batteries has more charge at a particular time, equalizing the power demand between both batteries.
Charge Indication
When charging the computer with the Add-On Battery Pack attached, the battery pack state of charge is shown
by the pack's own indicator, and the computer's internal battery state of charge is shown by the
indicator (see the Indicator Lights section in Chapter 2). The state of charge of the Add-On Battery Pack also
can be checked when the AC Adaptor is not connected, provided that at least 1 hour has passed since
disconnecting the AC Adaptor. Press and hold down the button next to the battery pack's indicator for at least
three seconds. The indicator shows green if the battery pack is at least 70 percent charged. If you press the
button with the AC Adaptor still connected or within I hour of disconnecting the adaptor, the indicator may
show green independent of the actual state of charge.
Low Battery Indication
The computer's
Low Batt
(Low Battery) indicator displays a low battery indication for the parallel
combination of internal battery and Add-On Battery Pack. When the indicator shows red, the combined
power of both batteries is low. When the indicator blinks red, the computer is about to shut down (see the
description of the low battery indicator in Chapter 2).
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