There are two diagnostic routines available to make sure your TravelMate 2000 Computer and its
peripherals are functioning as they should. One routine is automatic and takes place every time you turn on
the power. The other is accessed from a separate diagnostic program you have copied from the ROM disk to
the hard disk during the installation procedure.
Power-On Diagnostics
When the system power is turned on, an automatic self-test begins. The self-test checks internal memory and
displays the number of kilobytes available for use.
After a few seconds, MS-DOS starts to load, and the screen displays the following:
Texas Instruments Personal Computer System
I/O Subsystem Version X.XX
before displaying the MS-DOS startup message. If MS-DOS fails to load from the hard disk (or a diskette if
an optional Floppy Drive Unit is connected), an error message appears on the screen.
Turn off the power, wait 5 seconds, then turn it on again. If the error message appears repeatedly, call your
Texas Instruments dealer.
Refer to the "BIOS Messages" section in this appendix for a list of power-on error messages.
Diagnostics E-1