Congratulations ... you have purchased one of the most powerful notebook computers available, the Texas Instruments
2000 Computer.
The TravelMate 2000 is a lightweight, full-function computer with the features and power of many desktop personal computers,
including a 20-megabyte internal hard disk drive, an 80C286 microprocessor, built-in MS-DOS
4.01, built-in LapLink
transfer utility that connects your TravelMate 2000 to another computer, and many options to make your TravelMate 2000 more
powerful and specialized for your particular applications.
Your new TravelMate 2000 hard disk drive and the built-in ROM are already formatted and loaded with MS-DOS
4.01, GW-BASIC, Laptop Manager, Laptop File Manager, power-up diagnostics, and other utilities.
Do not
format the hard
disk (drive C) or you will delete these programs. However, these programs also are included on the floppy disk furnished
with your new computer so that you can restore the programs to the hard disk if necessary. Any data entered by you into the
computer will be lost forever if you reformat the hard disk unless you have backed up the data on floppy diskettes.
Your TravelMate 2000 accepts a variety of options, including an external 3.5-inch Floppy Drive Unit, CRT Adaptor, Internal
Modem, 80C287 Coprocessor, Add-On Battery Pack, Expansion Unit, RAM expansion cards, Numeric Keypad and printers,
available from Texas Instruments. Contact your distributor or telephone TI-Express, 1-800-TI PARTS.