
I. It is imperative that the Dreadnaught II be connected to a ground via its three wire AC power cord. It
is important that the AC power outlet, which the Dreadnaught II is plugged into, is actually grounded.
Failure to do so will severely compromise the performance, reliability and safety of use of the
Dreadnaught II.
II. Ventilation is an important issue when placing the Dreadnaught II in a system. Make certain that the
Dreadnaught II is placed in a well-ventilated area or rack unit.
III. Please take note that some powerline conditioners defeat the AC power ground on their outlets. If
the intention is to plug the Dreadnaught II into a line conditioner, check with your dealer to make
certain that the particular conditioner that is intended for use DOES NOT DEFEAT THE AC
GROUND on its AC outlets. Only the highest powered line conditioners should be considered for
use with the Dreadnaught II. Otherwise, the amplifier’s power output may be compromised.
IV. DO NOT remove any cover panels from the Dreadnaught II, as there are no user serviceable
components inside. Refer servicing and updating to qualified service personnel only.
V. Endcaps on all unused RCA inputs will improve the sound quality and may reduce the susceptibility
to RF induced anomalies.
VI. It is imperative that the Dreadnaught II be operated in a well ventilated environment and the
immediate external temperature be maintained as specified in Appendix D of this manual. External
cooling fans may be required in some cases. Do not stack any equipment directly above or below
the Dreadnaught II, to protect it from overheating, as well as the continued functionality of any
equipment near and around it.
VII. Each channel is a balanced bridge amplifier, thus the negative speaker terminal is
NOT a ground,
and cannot be connected to a ground or a loudspeaker system with a common ground. Consult your
speaker manufacturer to ensure that any speaker in your system that will be connected to the
Dreadnaught II does
NOT have internal circuitry with a common ground.