
Getting to know your Dreadnaught II
This Dreadnaught II has been put through a rigorous and unique testing procedure that ensures that it will
last for many years with minimal service requirements. This procedure includes the following:
All assembled circuit boards are given a thorough visual inspection and are then tested in a bench-
reference Dreadnaught II.
The tested, assembled circuit boards are then installed in a new Dreadnaught II and the whole unit is
tested for every function and parameter.
The unit is put on a burn-in torture rack to test for any possible component failures.
It is then tested on an audio analyzer for all pertinent parameters.
The unit has all remaining chassis components installed and then undergoes a complete visual
inspection, which assures that all Dreadnaught II’s meet visual specifications.
The Dreadnaught II then undergoes a critical listening and functional test.
Burn-In Time
This unit has a break in period of about 1 week during which continuous improvement in sound quality will be
observed. It is recommended that music be played continuously through the unit during this time to expedite
the break in period.
Reference Manual Conventions
For clarity purposes, references to buttons and LED’s will be shown in bold capital letters.