
© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved. 25
Item Part # Description Quantity
1 235-018 Trip retainer ..............................................2
2 141-007 O-ring .......................................................2
3 325-005 Trip spring, ..............................................2
4 569-016 Ball, SS.....................................................2
5 441-908 Spool / sleeve set.....................................1
6 441-152 O-ring .......................................................3
7 235-030 Cylinder head plug ...................................1
8 441-217 O-ring .......................................................1
9 858-811 Flex lock nut .............................................1
10 451-121 Male elbow, 90º........................................1
11 235-112 Cylinder head ...........................................1
12 431-032 O-ring .......................................................2
13 431-053 Sleeve retainer .........................................1
14 431-054 Retainer ring.............................................1
15 192-000 Elbow........................................................1
16 235-022 Piston retainer screw................................1
17 235-014 Piston .......................................................1
18 235-027 Piston seal................................................1
19 235-026 O-ring .......................................................1
20 235-021 Valve rod assembly ..................................1
21 235-948 Piston rod .................................................1
22 235-001 Lock ring...................................................1
23 235-007 Cylinder ....................................................1
24 235-028 Rod seal ...................................................1
25 235-923 Motor/pump block.....................................1
26 235-029 Motor tube ................................................1
27 197-031 Tee............................................................1
27a 431-019 O-ring kit...................................................1
28 700-499 O-ring .......................................................1
Reassembly of Hydraulic Motor
1. Separate spool/sleeve set (5). Place o-rings (6) onto
sleeve. Lubricate o-rings with hydraulic oil. Gently push the
sleeve into cylinder head (11) with the flatter side of the
sleeve facing out. Use a nylon rod to tap sleeve down until
it reaches its full depth. Do not use any other type of tool
that might damage or leave particles or residue on the
sleeve. Install the spool through the top of the cylinder
head, down into the sleeve.
Do not use Piston Lube pump packing lubricant. It is a
solvent and will severely damage seals and O-Rings of the
hydraulic motor.
2. Install o-rings (2) on trip retainers (1). Install trip retainer
balls (4) followed by springs (3) which, when installed, will
hold spool/sleeve set (5) in proper place for assembly.
3. Install sleeve retainer (13) followed by snap ring (14) into
cylinder head (11), which will hold valve sleeve in place.
Install o-ring (12) in the o-ring groove of the cylinder head.
4. Replace lower seal (24) in motor/pump block (25). Be
sure the open portion of the seal is facing upward (V).
This seal requires no special tool.
5. Place piston rod (21) in vise. Inspect valve rod assembly
(20) for any damage. Make sure the lock nut at the bottom
of the valve rod assembly (20) is secure. DO NOT
remove. Then, place into piston rod (21) as illustrated.
Install o-ring (19), lubricating it well and replacing piston
(17) onto piston rod (21). Put one drop of blue Loctite on
the piston retainer screw (16). Tighten piston retainer
screw until piston is locked into place. Check valve rod
assembly (20) for normal spring action at this time.
6. Install piston seal (18) with lips facing downward.
Carefully install piston seal (18). Expand the ring and
stretch it sufficiently for installation.
See page 31 for