Reelmaster 2300–D/2600–D Page 3 – 17 Engine
16. Remove traction pump drive belt as described in
Traction (Electric) Clutch of the Service and Repairs
section of Chapter 5 – Electrical System.
17. Remove engine (Fig. 19)
A. Attach short section of chain between both lift
tabs (1) located on each end of the cylinder head (2)
(Fig. 24)
B. Connect a hoist or chain fall at the center of the
short section of chain. Apply enough tension on the
short chain so that the engine will be supported
when the cap screws (42) securing the engine
mount brackets (22, 34, and 46) are removed.
C. Remove cap screws (42) and flange nuts (27)
from the engine mount brackets (22, 34, and 46)
and the frame.
Note: One person should operate the chain fall or
hoist while another person guides the engine out of the
Note: Be careful not to damage the engine, fuel lines,
hydraulic hoses, electrical harness or other parts while
removing the engine.
D. Remove engine (25) from the frame.
E. Mount engine onto an engine rebuilding stand.
Figure 24
1. Lifting tab 2. Cylinder head