Reelmaster 2300–D/2600–DHydraulic System Page 4 – 6
Changing the Hydraulic System Fluid and Filter
The hydraulic system filter must be changed initially, af-
ter the first five hours of operation, and thereafter every
200 hours of operation or yearly, whichever comes first.
Use a genuine Toro oil filter for replacement. The hy-
draulic fluid must be changed every 400 hours of opera-
tion or yearly, whichever comes first.
1. Park the machine on a level surface, lower the cut-
ting units, set parking brake and turn the engine off.
2. If only the filter is to be changed, remove reservoir
cap and insert reservoir plug (Fig. 7), to block outlet. This
will retain most of the fluid in reservoir when filter is re-
3. Clean the area around the hydraulic oil filter. Re-
move filter from the bottom of the filter housing and allow
the oil to flow into a drain pan. Use a bottom type filter
wrench. Dispose of the oil filter properly.
4. Apply a film of oil on the filter gasket. Install filter by
hand until gasket contacts the mounting head; then
tighten filter an additional three–fourths turn.
5. Fill the reservoir to proper level, refer to Checking
the Hydraulic System Fluid.
6. Place all controls in neutral or disengaged position
and start engine. Run engine at lowest possible RPM to
purge the system of air.
7. Run engine until lift cylinders extend and retract and
forward and reverse wheel motion is achieved.
8. Stop the engine and check the oil level in reservoir,
add oil if necessary.
9. Check all connections for leaks.
1. Reservoir plug 2. Reservoir outlet
Figure 7
1. Hydraulic oil filter
Figure 8
Pushing or Towing the Traction Unit
In case of emergency, the Reelmaster 2300–D can be
towed for a short distance. However, Toro does not rec-
ommend this as a standard procedure.
IMPORTANT: Do not tow the machine faster than
2–3 mph because drive system may be damaged. If
machine must be moved a considerable distance,
transport it on a truck or trailer.
1. Locate by–pass valve on pump and rotate it 90_
so the by–pass valve is horizontal.
2. Before the starting engine, close by–pass valve by
rotating it 90_ so the by–pass valve is vertical. Do not
start engine when valve is open.
1. By–pass valve
Figure 9