Reelmaster 2300–D/2600–D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 – 53
Note: The cap screws (14) required for use with the
shuttle valve (left–hand motor only) end cover (24) are
longer than the bolts required with standard end cover.
Refer to Toro Parts Catalog for correct service part num-
ber if replacement is required.
22. Assemble seven cap screws (14) and screw them
in finger tight. Remove and replace the two alignment
studs with bolts after the other bolts are in place. Alter-
nately and progressively tighten the bolts to pull the end
cover and other components into place with a final
torque of 45 to 55 ft–lb (6.2 to 7.6 kg–m).
23. Torque the two shuttle valve plugs in the end cover
(24) from 9 to 12 ft–lb (1.2 to 1.6 kg–m) if end cover is
so equipped.
24. Check motor shaft for rotation. Torque require to ro-
tate shaft should not exceed 50 ft–lb (6.9 kg–m).