General Run and Transport Problems (Groundsmaster 3000)
Possible Causes
Engine kills when the traction pedal is positioned to
either forward or reverse.
Operator is sitting too far forward on the seat (seat
switch not depressed).
Wiring to seat and shutdown delay circuits (see Wiring
Schematics) is loose, corroded, or damaged.
2 ampere fuse, seat switch, or seat relay is faulty.
Diode (D1) or shutdown delay relay is faulty.
20 ampere fuse to seat relay is blown.
Battery does not charge. Wiring to the charging circuit (see Wiring Schematics)
components is loose, corroded, or damaged.
Voltage regulator/alternator is faulty.
50 ampere fuse is open.
Battery is dead.
Cutting Unit Operating Problems (Groundsmaster 3000)
Possible Causes
Cutting unit does not engage. Wiring to PTO circuit (see Wiring Schematics)
components is loose, corroded, or damaged.
PTO switch, relay, or coil is faulty.
Cutting unit does not lift. Wiring to lift/xbal switch circuit (see Wiring Schematics)
components is loose, corroded, or damaged.
Lift/xbal switch or solenoid is faulty.
The hydraulic system is malfunctioning.
Cutting unit does not lower. Wiring to float/hold switch circuit (see Wiring
Schematics) components is loose, corroded, or
Float/hold switch or solenoid is faulty.
Hydraulic solenoid valve is malfunctioning.
Groundsmaster 3000/3000–D
Page 6 – 5
Rev. A
Electrical System