Deck Pitch Adjustment
Deck pitch is the difference in height–of–cut from the
front of the blade plane to the back of the blade plane.
TORO recommends a blade pitch of .25 inches (6 mm).
That is the back of the blade plane is .25 inches (6 mm)
higher than the front.
1. Position machine on a level surface on shop floor.
2. Set deck to the desired height–of–cut.
3. Rotate (1) blade so it points straight forward.
4. Using a short ruler, measure from floor to front tip of
blade. Then, measure from floor to rear tip of blade.
5. Subtract the front dimension from rear dimension to
calculate your pitch.
Figure 11
6. To adjust pitch, start tractor and raise deck to high-
1. Height–of–Cut chain
est possible position and turn off engine.
2. U–bolt
7. Loosen jam nuts on top or bottom of Height–of–Cut
chain U–bolt.
8. Adjust other set of nuts to raise or lower rear of deck
and attain correct deck pitch.
9. Tighten jam nuts.
10. Lower deck.
72 inch
Cutting Units
Groundsmaster 3000/3000–D
Page 11 – 7
72 inch Cutting Units