Castor Wheel and Bearing Service
The castor wheel rotates on a high–quality roller bear-
ing. Even after many hours of use, provided that the
bearing was kept well–lubricated, bearing wear will be
minimal. However, failure to keep bearing lubricated will
cause rapid wear. A wobbly castor wheel usually indi-
cates a worn bearing.
1. Remove locknut from capscrew holding castor
wheel assembly between castor fork. Grasp castor
wheel and slide capscrew out of fork.
3. Remove bearing from wheel hub and allow spacer
to fall out. Remove bearing from opposite side of wheel
4. Check the bearings, spacer and inside of wheel hub
for wear. Replace defective parts as required.
5. To assemble the castor wheel, push bearing into
wheel hub. Slide spacer into wheel hub. Push other
bearing into open end of wheel hub to captivate the
spacer inside the wheel hub.
7. Install castor wheel assembly between castor forks
and secure in place with capscrew and locknut.
60 – 80 ft–lb
(8 – 11 Kgm)
Figure 22
1. Bearing
2. Spacer
84 inch
Cutting Units
Groundsmaster 3000/3000–D
Page 9 – 13
84 inch Cutting Units