Groundsmaster 3505--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 105
Disassembly (Fig. 71)
1. Removeoil fromthe steeringcylinder intoa drainpan
by slowly pumping the cylinder shaft. Plug both ports
and clean the outside of the cylinder.
IMPORTANT: Prevent damage when clamping the
hydraulic cylinder into a vise; clamp on the clevis
2. Mount clevis end of steering cylinder in a vise. Re-
move retaining ring.
3. Remove plugs from ports. Extract shaft, cylinder
gland and piston by carefully twisting and pulling on the
IMPORTANT: Do not clamp vise jaws against the
shaft surface. Clamp on the clevis ONLY.
4. Mountshaft securely ina vise byclamping onthe cle-
vis of the shaft. Remove lock nut and piston from the
shaft. Slide cylinder gland off the shaft.
5. Remove Uni--ring and o--ring from the piston.
6. Remove back--up ring, o--rings and rod seal from the
cylinder gland.
Assembly (Fig. 71)
1. Make sure all parts are clean before reassembly.
2. Coat new o--rings, Uni--ring, rod seal and back--up
ring with clean hydraulic oil.
A. Install Uni--ring and o--ring to the piston.
B. Install o--rings, back--up ring and rod seal to the
cylinder gland.
IMPORTANT: Do not clamp vise jaws against the
shaft surface. Clamp on the clevis ONLY.
3. Mountshaft securely ina vise byclamping onthe cle-
vis of the shaft.
A. Coat shaft with a light coat of clean hydraulic oil.
B. Slide cylinder gland assembly onto the shaft.
Install piston and lock nut onto the shaft. Torque nut
from 24 to 30 ft--lb (33 to 41 N--m).
C. Remove shaft from the vise.
IMPORTANT: Prevent damage when clamping the
hydraulic cylinder into a vise; clamp on the clevis
4. Mount clevis of the barrel in a vise.
5. Coat all internal parts with a light coat of clean hy-
draulic oil. Slide piston, shaft and cylinder gland assem-
bly into the barrel being careful not to damage the s eals.
6. Secure head into the barrel with the retaining ring.