Groundsmaster 3505--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 33
Procedure for Wheel Motor Efficiency
1. Make sure hydraulic oil is at normal operating tem-
perature. Make sure the hydraulic tank is full.
2. Park machine on a levelsurface with the cuttingunits
lowered and off. Make sure engine is off and the parking
brake is engaged.
3. Read Precautions for Hydraulic Testing.
4. Make sure that traction pedal is adjusted to the neu-
tral position (see Adjust Traction Drive for Neutral in the
Adjustments Section).
5. Attacha heavy chainto therear ofthe machineframe
and an immovable object to prevent the machine from
moving during testing.
6. Chock front wheel being tested to prevent rotation of
the wheel. Make sure parking brake is on.
Before disconnecting or performing any work
on the hydraulic system, all pressure in the
system must be relieved. See Relieving Hy-
draulic System Pressure in the General Infor -
mation section.
7. Disconnect hydraulic lines from front wheel motor
that is not being tested. Cap disconnected hydraulic
lines and plug ports in wheel motor to prevent contami-
8. Disconnect hose from the lower hydraulic fitting on
the bottom of the hydrostat (Fig. 19).
NOTE: An alternate testing location would be at the hy-
draulic hose connection to the hydraulic tube under the
left floor plate.
9. Install hydraulic tester (pressure and flow) in series
with the pump and the disconnected hose. Make sure
the tester flow control valve is fully open.
10.Start engine and move throttle to full speed (3050 +
50 RPM).
Use extreme caution when performing test. The
front tire on the ground will be trying to move the
machine forward.
11.Slowly push traction pedal in forward direction until
1000 PSI is displayed on the tester pressure gauge.
12.Motor internal leakage will be shown on flow meter
in GPM. Flow should be less than 1.5 GPM for the
tested wheel motor.
13.If specifications are not met, the tested wheel motor
needs to be repaired or replaced as necessary.
14.If remaining front wheel motor requires testing, com-
plete steps 5 to 14 for the remaining motor.
15.Relieve hydraulic system pressure (See Relieving
Hydraulic System Pressure in the General Information
section). Disconnect tester from hydraulic fitting and
hose. Reconnect hose to pump connection.
1. Lower hydraulic fitting 2. Piston pump
Figure 19