Groundsmaster 3505--DPage 1 -- 2Safety
4. Since fuel is highly flammable, handle it carefully:
A. Store fuel in containers specifically designed for
this purpose.
B. Do not remove machine fuel tank cap while en-
gine is hot or running.
C. Do not smoke w hile handling fuel.
D. Fill fuel tank outdoors and only to within an inch of
the top of the tank, not the filler neck. Do not overfill.
E. Replacefuel tankand fuelcontainer caps secure-
ly after refueling machine.
F. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to start the engine
but movethe machineaway fromthe areaof thespill-
age. Avoid creating any source of ignition until fuel
vapors have dissipated. Clean up any spilled fuel.
While Operating
1. Sit on the seat when starting and operating the ma-
2. Before starting the engine:
A. Engage the parking brake.
B. Make sure traction pedal is in neutral and the
P.T.O. switch is OFF (disengaged).
C. After engine is started, releaseparking brake and
keep foot off traction pedal. Machine must not move.
If movement is evident, the traction pedal linkage is
adjusted incorrectly; therefore, shut engine off and
adjust traction pedal linkage until machine does not
move when traction pedal is released (see Traction
Unit Operator’s Manual).
3. Do not run engine in a confined area without ade-
quate ventilation. Exhaust fumes are hazardous and
could possibly be deadly.
4. The slope angle at which the machine will tip is de-
pendent on many factors. Among these are mowing
conditions such as wet or undulating turf, speed (espe-
cially in turns),tire pressure and operator experience.At
side hillangles of10 degreesor less,the risk ofa rollover
is low. As the s lope angle increases to a recommended
maximum limit of 15 degrees, the risk of a rollover in-
creases to a moderate level. DO NOT EXCEED A 15
5. Do not touch engine, radiator or exhaust system
while engine is running or soon after itis stopped. These
areas could be hot enough to cause burns.
6. Before getting off the seat:
A. Ensure that traction pedal is in neutral.
B. Lower and disengage cutting decks and wait for
all movement to stop.
C. Set parking brake.
D. Stop engine and remove key from ignition switch.
7. Anytime the machine is parked (short or long term),
the cutting decks should be lowered to the ground. This
relieves pressure from the lift circuit and eliminates the
risk ofa cuttingdeck accidentally loweringto theground.
8. Do not park on slopes unless wheels are chocked or