parameters. In addition, Guest VLANs are enabled from the Network Security Authentication Properties Page.
To dene the network authentication properties:
1. Click System > Network Security > Authentication > Properties. The Network Security Authentication Properties
Page opens:
Figure 43: Network Security Authentication Properties
The Network Security Authentication Properties Page
contains the following elds:
Port-Based Authentication State — Indicates if Port
Authentication is enabled on the device. The possible
eld values are:
– Enable — Enables port-based authentication on the device.
– Disable — Disables port-based authentication on the device.
Authentication Method — Species the authentication method used for port authentication. The possible eld values
– None — Indicates that no authentication method is used to authenticate the port.
– RADIUS — Provides port authentication using the RADIUS server.
– RADIUS, None — Provides port authentication, rst using the RADIUS server. If the port is not authenticated, then no
authentication method is used, and the session is permitted.
Guest VLAN — Species whether the Guest VLAN is enabled on the device. The possible eld values are:
– Enable — Enables using a Guest VLAN for unauthorized ports. If a Guest VLAN is enabled, the unauthorized port
automatically joins the VLAN selected in the VLAN List eld.
– Disable — Disables port-based authentication on the device. This is the default.
Guest VLAN ID — Contains a list of VLANs. The Guest VLAN is selected from the VLAN list.
2. Enable the Port-Based Authentication, and dene the Authentication Method, enable Guest VLAN, and select the Guest
3. Click . The network security authentication properties are saved, and the device is updated. Dening Port Authentication Properties
The Port Authentication Page allows network managers to congure port-based authentication global parameters.
To dene the port-based authentication global properties:
1. Click System > Network Security > Authentication > Port Authentication. The Port Authentication Page opens:
Figure 44: Port Authentication Page
The Port Authentication Page contains the following elds:
Copy from Entry Number — Copies port authentica-
tion information from the selected port.
to Entry Number(s) — Copies port authentication
information to the selected port.
Port — Displays a list of interfaces on which port-based
authentication is enabled.
User Name — Displays the supplicant user name.