
SHA Password — Users are authenticated using the HMAC-SHA-96 authentication level. The user should enter a
No Authentication — No user authentication is used.
Remove — Removes users from a specied group. The possible eld values are:
Checked — Removes the selected user.
Unchecked — Maintains the list of users.
2. Click . The Add SNMP Group Membership Page opens:
Figure 107: Add SNMP Group Membership Page
In addition to the fields in the SNMP Security Group
Membership Page, The Add SNMP Group Membership
Page contains the following elds:
Authentication Method — Defines the SNMP
authentication method.
Authentication Key — Denes the HMAC-MD5-96 or
HMAC-SHA-96 authentication level. The authentication
and privacy keys are entered to dene the authentication key. If only authentication is required, 16 bytes are dened. If
both privacy and authentication are required, 32 bytes are dened. Each byte in hexadecimal character strings is two
hexadecimal digits. Each byte can be separated by a period or a colon.
Privacy Key — Denes the privacy key (LSB). If only authentication is required, 20 bytes are dened. If both privacy and
authentication are required, 36 bytes are dened. Each byte in hexadecimal character strings is two hexadecimal digits.
Each byte can be separated by a period or colon.
Password — Denes the password for the group member
3. Dene the User Name, Group Name, Engine ID, Authentication Method, Password, Authentication Key, and Privacy Key
4. Click
. The SNMP group membership is modied, and the device is updated.
To modify SNMP Group Membership settings:
1. Click System > SNMP Management > Security > Group Membership. The SNMP Security Group Membership Page
2. Click . The SNMP Group Membership Settings Page opens:
Figure 108: SNMP Group Membership Settings Page
3. Modify the Group Name, Engine ID, Authentication
Method, Password, Authentication Key, and Privacy
Key elds.
4. Click . The SNMP group membership is
modied, and the device is updated.