
Figure 120: QoS Queue Settings Page
The QoS Queue Settings Page contains the following
Queue — Indicates the queue number.
Strict Priority — Indicates that trafc scheduling for
the selected queue is based strictly on the queue
WRR — Indicates that trafc scheduling for the selected queue is based strictly on the WRR.
WWR Weight — If WRR is selected, indicates the predetemined weights 8, 2, 4, and 1 for queues 4,3,2 and 1.
% of WWR Bandwidth — If WWR weight is selected, indicates the percentage
2. Dene the elds.
3. Click . The QoS queue settings are saved and the device is updated.
12.3 Mapping Queues
This section contains the following topics:
Mapping CoS Values to Queues
Mapping QoS Values to Queues
12.3.1 Mapping CoS Values to Queues
The CoS to Queue Page contains elds for classifying CoS settings to trafc queues.
To set CoS to Queue:
1. Click System > Quality of Service > Queue Mapping > CoS to Queue. The CoS to Queue Page opens:
Figure 121: CoS to Queue Page
Class of Service — Specifies the CoS priority tag
values, where zero is the lowest and 8 is the highest.
Queue — Denes the trafc forwarding queue to which
the CoS priority is mapped. Four trafc priority queues
are supported, where zero is the lowest and 8 is the
Restore Defaults — Allows you to restore default
2. Modify the Queue values or select Restore Defaults.
3. Click . The CoS to Queue mapping settings
are saved and the device is updated.
12.3.2 Mapping QoS Values to Queues
The DSCP to Queue Page contains elds for classifying DSCP settings to trafc queues. For example, a packet with a DSCP
tag value of 3 can be assigned to queue 2.
To set DSCP to queues: