Web Smart Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide
4.3 Network Setting
The network module provides setting switch IP address, dynamic binding
and aging time, conguring static MAC address and ltering MAC address,
displaying dynamic bound address and ping functions.
4.3.1 Switch IP Address
An IP address is indispensable for a switch to be accessed. The TL-
SG2216WEB/TL-SG2224WEB Web-Smart Switch Family provides the
conguration interface of IP address, netmask and default gateway.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol) is dedicated for the DHCP client
to obtain IP configuration information from the DHCP server. Two types of
information are included in IP conguration information. One type is specic
conguration information; another is IP address parameter. DHCP is based
on client-server mode. The network station that offers the IP configuration
information is called DHCP server.
Make sure that a DHCP server is correctly connected to the network, enable
the DHCP client function of the switch, then the switch will automatically obtain
IP address, netmask and default gateway from the DHCP server.
If more than one DHCP servers are available in the network, the switch will
choose one according to a specic algorithm.
If no DHCP server is present in the network, the DHCP client fails to get IP
conguration information, the switch then restores the IP parameters to default
in several minutes to ensure a valid IP address being equipped.