Web Smart Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide
1) Port VLAN
VLANs are divided basic on ports.
2) IEEE802.1Q Tag VLAN
The IEEE802.1Q protocol defines a new format of the frame; it adds a tag
header in the original Ethernet frame, as follows:
Figure 4-1. IEEE802.1Q frame
IEEE802.1Q Tag VLAN is divided by VLAN ID (VID). On receiving a frame, the
switch checks the VID in the tag header of the frame to decide which VLAN
it belongs to. If the receiving frame doesn’t contain the tag header, the switch
will assign a tag to the frame, using the PVID of the port as its VID.
MTU VLAN (Multi-Tenant Unit VLAN) dene an uplink port, the uplink port will
buildup several VLANs with each of the other ports. Each VLAN contains two
ports, the uplink port and one of the other ports in the switch, so the uplink port
can communicate with any other ports but other ports can’t communicate with
each other.