Web Smart Gigabit Switch Family User's Guide
3) On the left side of the page is the menu table. It contains 8 main menus.
Each menu has a submenu. Click on a menu, it will open its submenu
and the main window displays the conguration page of the submenu
list first, click on the submenu you want to configure to open the
corresponding conguration page. The menu structure is as follows:
Figure 5-11 Main Menu
System Setting: System Information, File Transfer, Reboot & Reset, and
Port Setting: Port Parameter, Port Statistic, Port Status, Storm Control,
and Port Description.
Network Setting: Switch IP Address, Static MAC Address, Filtering MAC
Address, Dynamic Binding, Bound MAC Address, Aging Time, and Ping.
VLAN Setting: VLAN Mode, Port VLAN Setting, Tag VLAN Global Setting,
Tag VLAN Setting, MTU VLAN Setting.
Port Trunking: Port Trunking.
Priority Setting: Priority Mode, Port-Based Priority, Port Default Priority,
802.1p Priority Class.
Port Mirroring: Port Mirroring.
Virtual Cable Test: Virtual Cable Test.