
TL-WR740N/TL-WR741ND 150Mbps Wireless N Router
¾ Domain Name - Here you can enter 4 domain names, either the full name or the
keywords (for example, google). Any domain name with keywords in it (www.google.com,
www.google.cn) will be blocked or allowed.
3. Click Next when finishing creating the access target entry, and the next screen will appear as
shown in Figure 4-63.
Figure 4-63 Quick Setup – Create an Advanced Schedule Entry
¾ Schedule Description - In this field, create a description for the schedule. Note that this
description should be unique (e.g. Schedule_1).
¾ Day - Choose Select Days and select the certain day (days), or choose Everyday.
¾ Time - Select "24 hours", or specify the Start Time and Stop Time yourself.
¾ Start Time - Enter the start time in HHMM format (HHMM are 4 numbers). For example
0800 is 8:00.
¾ Stop Time - Enter the stop time in HHMM format (HHMM are 4 numbers). For example
2000 is 20:00.
4. Click Next when finishing creating the advanced schedule entry, and the next screen will
appear as shown in Figure 4-64.