
Direct field wiring to the I/O boards is not
The microprocessor’s memory shall be
non-volatile EEPROM type requiring no
battery or capacitive backup, while
maintaining all data.
Zone sensors shall be available in
several combinations with selectable
features depending on sensor.
The Human Interface Panel’s keypad
display character format shall be 40
characters x 2 lines. The character font
shall be 5 x 7 dot matrix plus cursor. The
display shall be Supertwist Liquid Crystal
Display (LCD) with blue characters on a
gray/green background which provides
high visibility and ease of interface. The
display format shall be in clear English.
Two or three digit coded displays are not
The keypad shall be equipped with
16 individual touch-sensitive membrane
key switches. The switches shall be
divided into four separate sections and
be password protected from change
by unauthorized personnel. The six main
menus shall be STATUS, SETPOINTS,
Filter options shall mount integral within
unit and be accessible by hinged access
No Filters (two inch throwaway filter
rack only) option
Shall provide a complete set of two-inch
thick filter racks, without the filter media
to accommodate applications which
require field supplied filters.
No filters (bag/cartridge with prefilter
filter rack option)
Shall provide a long-lasting galvanized
steel frame without the filter media to
accommodate applications which
require field supplied filters.
Supply Fan
20 - 75 Ton Units
All supply fans shall have two double-
inlet, forward-curved fans mounted on a
common shaft with fixed sheave drive
and shall be dynamically balanced and
tested in factory. Supply fan shall be test
run in unit as part of unit test and unit
shall reach rated rpm before the fan shaft
passes through first critical speed. Fan
shaft shall be mounted on two grease
lubricated ball bearings designed for
200,000 hours average life. Optional
extended grease lines shall allow
greasing of bearings from unit filter
section. Fan motor and fan assembly
shall be mounted on common base to
allow consistent belt tension with no
relative motion between fan and motor
shafts. Entire assembly shall be
completely isolated from unit and fan
board by double deflection rubber-in-
shear isolators or by two-inch deflection
spring isolation on motor sizes larger
than five hp. All supply fan motors meet
the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992
90 - 130 Ton Units
All supply fans shall have two
independent fan assemblies with double
inlet, air foil fan, motor and fixed pitch
sheave drive. All fans shall be statically
and dynamically balanced and tested in
factory. Supply fans shall be test run in
unit as part of unit test. Unit shall reach
rated rpm before fan shaft passes
through first critical speed. Fan shafts
shall be mounted on two grease
lubricated ball bearings designed for
200,000 hours average life. Optional
extended grease lines shall allow
greasing of bearings from unit filter
section. Fan motor and fan assembly
shall be mounted on common base to
allow consistent belt tension with no
relative motion between fan and motor
shafts. Entire assemblies shall be
completely isolated from unit and
fan board by two-inch deflection
spring isolators. All supply fan motors
meet the U.S. Energy Policy Act of 1992
Unit shall be completely factory wired
with necessary control and contactor
pressure lugs or terminal block for
power wiring. Units shall provide an
internal location for a non-fused
disconnect with external handle for
safety. Unit mounted microprocessor
controls shall provide anti-short cycle
timing for compressors to provide a high
level of machine protection.
Unit Controller
DDC microprocessor controls shall be
provided to control all unit functions. The
control system shall be suitable to
control CV or VAV applications. The
controls shall be factory-installed and
mounted in the main control panel. All
factory-installed controls shall be fully
commissioned (run tested) at the factory.
The unit shall have a Human Interface
Panel with a 16 key keypad, a 2 line X 40
character clear English display as
standard to provide the operator with full
adjustment and display of control data
functions. The unit controls shall be used
as a stand-alone controller, or as part of a
building management system involving
multiple units.
The unit shall be equipped with a
complete microprocessor control
system. This system shall consist of
temperature and pressure (thermistor
and transducer) sensors, printed circuit
boards (modules), and a unit mounted
Human Interface Panel. Modules
(boards) shall be individually replaceable
for ease of service. All microprocessors,
boards and sensors shall be factory
mounted, wired and tested.
The microprocessor boards shall be
stand-alone DDC controls not dependent
on communications with an on-site PC
or a Building Management Network. The
microprocessors shall be equipped with
on-board diagnostics, indicating that all
hardware, software and interconnecting
wiring are in proper operating condition.
The modules (boards) shall be protected
to prevent RFI and voltage transients
from affecting the board’s circuits. All
field wiring shall be terminated at
separate, clearly marked terminal strip.