27000 .40 .31 .67 .51 N/A .25 .13 .26 .31 .22 .32 .11 .13 N/A .68 .65 — .20
32000 .53 .41 .89 .68 N/A .31 .16 .35 .41 .30 .43 .14 .16 N/A .84 .84 .31
90 37000 .67 .52 1.12 .86 N/A .39 .23 .45 .52 .40 .55 .17 .19 N/A 1.02 1.04 .41
42000 .82 .63 1.36 1.06 N/A .46 .29 .56 .65 .50 .68 .21 .22 N/A 1.19 1.06 .52
45000 .92 .71 1.53 1.19 N/A .52 .32 .63 .73 .58 .76 .24 .24 N/A — — .63
31000 .56 .45 .84 .64 N/A .28 .17 .33 .39 .29 .40 N/A .13 N/A .82 .80 — .22
35000 .68 .54 1.02 .78 N/A .36 .21 .41 .48 .36 .50 N/A .16 N/A .96 .96 .32
105 39000 .81 .65 1.21 .94 N/A .42 .26 .49 .57 .44 .60 N/A .19 N/A 1.09 1.12 .44
43000 .94 .76 1.42 1.10 N/A .45 .30 .57 .66 .53 .71 N/A .22 N/A 1.22 1.30 .54
46000 1.05 .84 1.58 1.23 N/A .55 .34 .65 .75 .61 .79 N/A .24 N/A — — .64
31000 .84 .64 N/A N/A N/A .28 .17 .33 .39 .29 .40 N/A .13 N/A .82 .80 — .22
35000 1.03 .79 N/A N/A N/A .36 .21 .41 .48 .36 .50 N/A .16 N/A .96 .96 .32
115/130 39000 1.21 .94 N/A N/A N/A .42 .26 .49 .57 .44 .60 N/A .19 N/A 1.09 1.12 .44
43000 1.42 1.10 N/A N/A N/A .45 .30 .57 .66 .53 .71 N/A .22 N/A 1.22 1.30 .54
46000 1.58 1.23 N/A N/A N/A .55 .34 .65 .75 .61 .79 N/A .24 N/A — — .64
1. Static pressure drops of accessory components must be added to external static pressure to enter fan selection tables.
2. Gas heat section maximum temperature rise of 60 F.
3. Throwaway filter option limited to 300 ft/min face velocity.
4. Bag filter option limited to 740 ft/min face velocity.
5. Horizontal roof curbs assume 0.50” static pressure drop or double the standard roof curb pressure drop, whichever is greater.
6. No additional pressure loss for model SXHF.
7. 90-130 ton roofcurbs adds no pressure drop.
Evaporator Coil Heating System Filters
Cfm Throwaway Perm Bag Cartridge Std With Or
Nominal Std Standard High Capacity SFHF/G SEHF/G SLHF/G SSHF/G Std. High Wire And And Roof Without
Tons Air Wet Dry Wet Dry Low High All KW’s Low High Low High Fiber Effic. Mesh Prefilter Prefilter Curb Exhaust Fan
Table PD-45 — Component Static Pressure Drops (in. W.G.)
(90-130 Tons)Performance