Table W-1 — Approximate Operating Weights (Lbs./Kg)
Rooftops Without Exhaust Fans Rooftops With Exhaust Fans Roof Curb
Nominal All Heating
20 Lb. 4000 4220 4330 4620 4330 4360 4580 4690 4970 4690 490 510
Kg 1814 1914 1964 2096 1964 1978 2077 2127 2254 2127 222 231
25 Lb. 4160 4370 4500 4770 4500 4520 4750 4860 5130 4860 490 510
Kg 1887 1982 2041 2164 2041 2050 2155 2204 2327 2204 222 231
30 Lb. 4800 5040 5160 5430 5160 5220 5460 5590 5840 5590 490 510
Kg 2177 2286 2341 2463 2341 2368 2477 2536 2649 2536 222 231
40 Lb. 6270 6650 6810 7290 6810 6890 7240 7400 7880 7400 515 550
Kg 2844 3016 3089 3307 3089 3125 3284 3357 3574 3357 234 249
50 Lb. 7250 7630 7800 8260 7800 7890 8290 8450 8900 8450 515 550
Kg 3289 3461 3538 3747 3538 3579 3760 3833 4037 3833 234 249
55 Lb. 7500 7890 8050 8530 8050 8140 8540 8690 9170 8690 515 550
Kg 3402 3579 3651 3869 3651 3692 3874 3942 4159 3942 234 249
60 Lb. 8450 8610 8770 9230 8770 9320 9480 9650 10120 9650 610 640
Kg 3833 3905 3978 4187 3978 4227 4300 4377 4590 4377 277 290
70/75Lb. 8970 9150 9300 9780 9300 9860 10040 10160 10640 10160 610 640
Kg 4069 4150 4218 4436 4218 4472 4554 4608 4826 4608 277 290
90 Lb. N/A 13240 13390 14030 13390 N/A 14580 14730 15400 14730 N/A 770
Kg N/A 6006 6074 6364 6074 N/A 6613 6681 6985 6681 N/A 349
105 Lb. N/A 13810 13950 14600 13950 N/A 15160 15310 15940 15310 N/A 770
Kg N/A 6264 6328 6622 6328 N/A 6876 6944 7230 6944 N/A 349
115 Lb. N/A 14200 14380 15020 14380 N/A 15560 15730 16370 15730 N/A 770
Kg N/A 6441 6523 6813 6523 N/A 7058 7135 7425 7135 N/A 349
130 Lb. N/A 14580 14740 15380 14740 N/A 15930 16080 16710 16080 N/A 770
Kg N/A 6613 6686 6976 6686 N/A 7226 7294 7580 7294 N/A 349
1. Weights shown include the following features: standard coils, 100% economizer, throwaway filters, maximum motor sizes (high efficiency), inlet guide vanes, 460V XL,
High Heat.
2. Weights shown represent approximate operating weights and have a ±5% accuracy. ACTUAL WEIGHTS ARE STAMPED ON THE UNIT NAMEPLATE.
3. If unit is not as specified in note 1, you must reference RT-EB-103 for more details, as well as for point loading and center of gravity.