Controls Interface
Diagnostic Screen
The diagnostic screen (shown following) is accessible by either pressing the blinking
ALARMS key or by pressing the Diagnostic tab on the screen tab selection.
A hex code and a verbal description appears on the display as shown typically above.
This is the last active diagnostic. Pressing the “Reset All Active Diagnostics” will
reset all active diagnostics regardless of type, machine or refrigerant circuit. Compres
sor diagnostics, which hold off only one compressor, are treated as circuit diagnos-
Comp 1A Pumpdown Pumpdown/Abort Text
Comp 1B Pumpdown Pumpdown/Abort Text
Comp 2A Pumpdown Pumpdown/Abort Text
Comp 2B Pumpdown Pumpdown/Abort Text
EXV Ckt 1 Open Auto/Open Text
EXV Ckt 2 Open Auto/Open Text
Front Panel Ckt 1 Lockout Locked Out/Not Locked Out Text
Front Panel Ckt 2 Lockout Locked Out/Not Locked Out Text
Ext Chilled Water Setpoint X.X F / C
Ext Current Limit Setpoint XXX % RLA
Date Format mmm dd yyyy, dd mm yyyy Text
Date Text
Time Format 12 hr, 24 hr Text
Time of Day Text
Keypad/Display Lockout Enable/Disable Text
Display Units SI, English Text
Pressure Units Absolute, Gauge Text
Language Selection Downloaded from TechView Text
Table 31 Setpoint Screen
Description Resolution or Text Units
Table 32 Setpoint Options/Conditions Displayed
Option Condition(s) Explanation
Ice Building Enable/Disable If feature is installed, operation can be initiated or stopped
Cprsr Pumpdown
Avail Pumpdown is allowed: only with unit in Stop or when circuit is locked out
Not Avail Pumpdown is not allowed because unit is operating or pumpdown has been com-
Pumpdown State is displayed while pumpdown is in progress
EXV Ckt Open
(For Authorized Service Use
Avail Indicates EXV is closed but can be opened manually since unit is in Stop or circuit
is locked out
Not Avail EXV is closed but cannot be opened manually since unit is operating
Open State is displayed when EXV is open. Unit will not start with EXV manually set
open, but will initiate valve closure first.
Ckt Lockout Locked Out Circuit is locked out at Front Panel; other circuit may be available to run
Not Locked Out Circuit is not locked out and is available to run
Ext. Chilled Water Setpt Enable/Disable Allows unit to control setpoint; otherwise another loop controller in line will con-
trol, as optionally wired.
Ext. Current Limit Setpt Enable/Disable Allows unit to control setpoint; otherwise another loop controller in line will con-
trol, as optionally wired.
Pumpdown procedure are discussed in Maintenance section 10.
Used for liquid level control or to recover from pumpdown