BE High Pressure Cutout -
Compressor 2A
Immediate Latch Same as High Pressure Cutout - Compressor 1A Local
BF High Pressure Cutout -
Compressor 2B
Immediate Latch Same as High Pressure Cutout - Compressor 1A Local
5BE Intermediate Oil Pressure
Transducer - Compressor 1A
Immediate Latch Bad Sensor or LLID Remote
5BF Intermediate Oil Pressure
Transducer - Compressor 1B
Immediate Latch Bad Sensor or LLID Remote
5C0 Intermediate Oil Pressure
Transducer - Compressor 2A
Immediate Latch Bad Sensor or LLID Remote
5C1 Intermediate Oil Pressure
Transducer - Compressor 2B
Immediate Latch Bad Sensor or LLID Remote
C5 Low Chilled Water Temp: Unit
NonLatch The leaving chilled water temp. fell below the leaving water temp
cutout setting for 30 degree F seconds while the Chiller is in the Stop
mode, or in Auto mode with no compressors running. Energize Evap
Water pump Relay until diagnostic auto resets, then return to normal
evap pump control. Automatic reset occurs when the temp rises 2°F
(1.1°C) above the cutout setting for 30 minutes.
C6 Low Chilled Water Temp: Unit
and Special
NonLatch The chilled water temp. fell below the cutout setpoint for 30 degree F
Seconds while the compressor was running. Automatic reset occurs
when the temperature rises 2 °F (1.1°C) above the cutout setting for 2
minutes. This diagnostic shall not de-energize the Evaporator Water
Pump Output.
1AE Low Differential Refrigerant
Pressure - Circuit 1
Immediate Latch The system differential pressure for the respective circuit was below 35
Psid for more than 2000 Psid-sec with either a 1 minute (single cprsr
circuit) or 2.5 minute (manifolded cprsr circuit) ignore time from the
start of the circuit.
1AF Low Differential Refrigerant
Pressure - Circuit 2
Immediate Latch Same as Low Differential Refrigerant Pressure - Circuit 1 Remote
583 Low Evaporator Liquid Level -
Circuit 1
Info NonLatch The liquid level sensor is seen to be at or near its low end of range for
80 contiguous minutes while the compressor is running. Design: 20%
or less of bit count corresponding to -21.2 mm or less liquid level for 80
5B6 Low Evaporator Liquid Level -
Circuit 2
Info NonLatch Same as Low Evaporator Liquid Level - Circuit 1 Remote
194 Low Evaporator Refrigerant
Temperature - Circuit 1
Immediate Latch a. The inferred Saturated Evap Refrigerant Temperature (calculated from
suction pressure transducer(s)) dropped below the Low Refrigerant
Temperature Cutout Setpoint for 120°F-sec (8°F-sec max rate) while the
circuit was running after the ignore period had expired. The integral is
held at zero for the ignore time (which is a function of outdoor air temp)
following the circuit startup and the integral will be limited to never trip
in less than 15 seconds, i.e. the error term shall be clamped to 8°F. The
minimum LRTC setpoint is -5°F (18.7 Psia) the point at which oil
separates from the refrigerant. b. During the timeout of the trip
integral, the unload solenoid(s) of the running compressors on the
circuit, shall be energized continuously. Normal load/unload operation
will be resumed if the trip integral is reset by return to temps above the
cutout setpoint.
195 Low Evaporator Refrigerant
Temperature - Circuit 2
Immediate Latch Same as Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature - Circuit 1 Remote
6B3 Low Evaporator Temp -
Ckt 1: Unit Off
NonLatch Any of the evap sat temps fell below the water temp cutout setting
while the respective evap liquid level was greater than -21.2mm for 30
degree F seconds while Chiller is in the Stop mode, or in Auto mode
with no compressors running. Energize Evap Water pump Relay until
diagnostic auto resets, then return to normal evap pump control.
Automatic reset occurs when either the evap temp rises 2°F (1.1°C)
above the cutout setting or the liquid level falls below -21.2mm for 30
6B3 Low Evaporator Temp -
Ckt 2: Unit Off
NonLatch Same as Low Evaporator Temp - Ckt 1: Unit Off Remote
198 Low Oil Flow -
Compressor 1A
Immediate Latch The intermediate oil pressure transducer for this compressor was out
of the acceptable pressure range for 15 seconds, while the Delta
Pressure was greater than 35 Psid.: Acceptable range is 0.50 > (PC-PI)
/ (PC-PE) for the first 2.5 minutes of operation, and 0.25 > (PC-PI) / (PC-
PE) thereafter,
199 Low Oil Flow -
Compressor 1B
Immediate Latch Same as Low Oil Flow - Compressor 1A Local
19A Low Oil Flow -
Compressor 2A
Immediate Latch Same as Low Oil Flow - Compressor 1A Local
19B Low Oil Flow -
Compressor 2B
Immediate Latch Same as Low Oil Flow - Compressor 1A Local
Diagnostic Name
and Source
Severity Persis-
Criteria Reset