Maintenance Procedures
Equipment Damage!
Use only Trane OIL00048 in the RTAC units to avoid any catastrophic
damage to the compressor or unit.
• Have the unit in vacuum. Note that the vacuum connection should be made on
the unit at the service valve that is on the discharge line. Hook up the oil charging
hose to the oil charging fitting and submerse the other end into the oil container.
Let the vacuum draw the required amount of oil into the unit.
• Have the unit at the same pressure as the oil. Hook up the oil charging hose to
the oil charging fitting and the other end to an oil pump. Use the pump to draw oil
out of the oil container and push the required amount of oil into the unit.
NOTE: The compressor filter has an internal shut off valve that will prevent oil from
entering the compressor while the compressor is not running. Therefore, there is no
concern about flooding the compressor with oil.
Field Oil Charging Procedure
Use the initial charging procedure under the following circumstances:
• When virtually all of the oil has been removed.
• If the oil charge is removed from the compressor and oil system only but the unit
has been run for less than 15 minutes.
• If the oil charge is removed from the compressor and oil system only and the unit
has been run for more than 15 minutes. However, reduce the amount of oil added
to the unit by the normal quantity of oil in refrigeration system.
NOTE: This procedure can be followed even with the refrigerant charge isolated in
the evaporating section of the unit.
If small quantities of oil were removed to service refrigeration components, such
as the evaporator, simply replace the oil that was removed into the serviced compo
nent prior to vacuum and recharge of the refrigerant.
If oil was removed from the compressor only to service a compressor or change
the oil filter follow this procedure:
1. If the compressor is a new compressor or has been removed from the system
and reworked, add 1 quart (2 lb.) oil to the motor cavity prior to installing the com
pressor into the chiller.
2. Install the compressor in the system. Make sure that the filter shut off valve is
closed. Other compressor isolation valves may also be closed depending upon
the service that was completed. For example, changing the oil filter would require
the compressor to be isolated and pulled into vacuum.
NOTE: Make sure that compressor is not pressurized.
3. Open the flare fitting on the oil line shut off valve.
4. Open the flare fitting on the filter housing. This is the port that must be used to
put oil into the compressor.
5. Install charging hose on oil charging port (with schrader valve) and the other on
the oil canister.
6. Lift the oil canister, or use a pump, to pour oil into the filter housing.