Other Features and Settings
Password Screen
The password screen allows you to assign a password to the Wireless Router.
Figure 104: Account Management Screen
Data - Account Management Screen
User Name
It displays the current existing user names.
User Rights
It describes the rights of the current user.
Latest Login
It displays the last login time and the IP Address.
Edit Button
Click this button to modify the user settings.
User Name
Enter the desired User Name.
New Password
Enter the new password here.
Confirm Pass-
Re-enter the new password here.
Read, Write,
Check these functions as required.
Once you have assigned a password to the Wireless Router (on the Password screen above) you will be prompted for the password
when you connect, as shown below. (If no password has been set, this dialog will not appear.)
Figure 105: Password Dialog
• Leave the "User Name" blank.
• Enter the password for the Wireless Router, as set on the Password screen above.