Broadband VPN Gateway User Guide
General Settings
Policy Name
Enter a suitable name. This name is not supplied to the remote
VPN. It is used only to help you manage the policies.
Enable Policy
Enable or disable the policy as required. For each remote VPN,
only 1 policy can be enabled at any time.
Allow NetBIOS
Select the desired option if you require NetBIOS traffic to be
transferred through the VPN tunnel. NetBIOS is used by Microsoft
(Windows) networking. This setting should not be enabled unless
necessary, because it increases traffic volume.
Bundle WAN Port
Select the desired WAN port as required.
Remote VPN
The Internet IP address of the remote VPN endpoint (Gateway or
• Dynamic IP. Select this if the Internet IP address is unknown.
In this case, only incoming connections are possible.
• Fixed IP. Select this if the remote endpoint has a fixed Internet
IP address. If selected, enter the Internet IP address of the re-
mote endpoint.
• Domain Name. Select this if the remote endpoint has a Do-
main Name associated with it. If selected, enter the Domain
Name of the remote endpoint.
Local IP Address
• Any - no additional data is required. Any IP address is accept-
• For outgoing connections, this allows any PC on the LAN
to use the VPN tunnel.
• For incoming connections, this allows any PC using the
remote endpoint to access any PC on your LAN.
• Single address - enter an IP address in the "IP address" field.
• Range address - enter the starting IP address in the "IP ad-
dress" field, and the finish IP address in the "Finish IP address"
• Subnet address - enter the desired IP address in the "IP
address" field, and the network mask in the "Subnet Mask"
The remote VPN must have these IP addresses entered as it's
"Remote" addresses.
Remote IP Address
• Single address - enter an IP address in the "IP address" field.
• Range address - enter the starting IP address in the "IP ad-
dress" field, and the finish IP address in the "Finish IP address"
• Subnet address - enter the desired IP address in the "IP
address" field, and the network mask in the "Subnet Mask"
The remote VPN should have these IP addresses entered as it's
"Local" addresses.
Authentication and Encryption
AH Authentication
AH (Authentication Header) specifies the authentication protocol
for the VPN header, if used. (AH is often NOT used)