
EFP9800 ESC/POS Commands
3255 4073 002 661
n = 5: Slip Paper Status
Slip Paper Status
Bit Slip Paper Function 0 1
0 Not Used Always 0
1 Not Used Always 1
2 Slip Paper Selection Selected Not Selected
3 Slip Insertion Waiting Not Waiting Waiting
4 Not Used Always 1
5 Slip/Validation Sensor Slip Present Slip Not Present
6 Slip/Validation Sensor Slip Present Slip Not Present
7 Not Used Always 0
For Bit 2, there is a lag between receipt of the Select Print Paper(s)
command (1B 63 30) and the slip selection. During this time, Bit 2
remains 1 (slip paper not selected).
Bit 3 switches to 0 (not waiting) immediately after a slip is detected.
Bits 5 and 6 transmit the current state of the slip when the paper is