MICR Commands and Parsing
3255 4073–002 11–3
Parsing Parameter String Options
The parsing options apply only to the E13B MICR font only, not to the CMC7
MICR font.
Variable Length Fields
Variable Length Field Name Selector Comments
Transit Number T Full 9 digit routing/transit number
Bank Number B Digits 4-8 of transit number
Check Digit D Digit 9 of transit number
Account Number A
Check Serial Number C Separate from account number
Amount $ This field may not be present or readable
Variable Length Field Optional
Zero fill to length 0 ASCII zero preceding maximum
Maximum length nn 1- or 2-digit ASCII number
Remove space/dash X
Replace space/dash with 0 x
Examples of Variable Length Field Format Specifications
Account #, all characters in the field, keep spaces and dashes A
Account #, all characters in the field, replace spaces and dashes xA
Account #, maximum 12 characters, keep spaces and dashes 12A
Account #, always 12 characters zero filled, remove spaces and dashes 012XA