
NX5820 K Products
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NX5820 K Products
Table 26 lists the basic hardware components associated with each NX5820 K product
model. The minimum and maximum system configurations are as follows:
Single-Domain, Single-Processor (SDSP) NX5821 BAS Models
Requires style NX5821-1D1
Minimum system performance NX5821-PL3 (w/PROM NX58231-PRK)
Maximum system performance NX5821-PL7(w/PROM NX58271-PRK)
One processor module (PM)
One I/O module (CIOM) with up to four channel service bus (CS-bus) interfaces per
CIOM board.
One memory storage unit with 192 MB storage minimum per domain (Optional 1152
MB per domain maximum). Memory has 4 requesters.
Single server containing its own processing modules, memory, and peripheral
subsystem, with up to five-servers per domain optional.
Dual-Domain, Dual Processor (DDDP) NX5822 BAS Models
Requires style NX5822-2D2
Minimum system performance level NX5822PL3 (w/PROM NX58232-PRK)
Maximum system performance level NX5822PL7 (w/PROM NX58272-PRK)
Two processor modules (PM)
Two to twelve I/O modules (CIOM). One to five per domain for CS-Bus connectivity
with up to four channel service bus (CS-Bus) interfaces per CIOM. Optional one
CIOM in domain 0 is dedicated for Multi IOU functionality and one CIOM in domain 1
is dedicated for TCU functionality. These can not be used for CS-Bus connectivity.
Two (one per domain) memory storage units with 192 MB storage minimum per
domain. Memory has four requesters.
Single server containing its own processing modules, memory, and peripheral
subsystem, with up to five servers per domain optional.