42 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
† Based on Audio Source.
†† Default template.
High Quality Voice Off 24k 56k 28k
Standard Voice Off 16k 32k 18k
Template This read-only field shows the template (if any) that is currently
applied. If a template is applied, it will display
Parameters Match or
Parameters Do Not Match (depending on whether or not changes
have been applied).
Encode Stereo Inputs
as Mono
If two physical connectors are defined as being used for stereo,
there will be one configuration for the stereo pair, that is the two
physical connectors represent a single audio source.
AAC-HE AAC-HE is a highly-efficient audio compression technology that
uses spectral bandwidth replication (SBR). AAC-HE is optimized
for better quality at lower bit rates.
L+R Bit Rate (bits/
Defines the audio encoding bit rate of the audio stream. In general,
higher bit rates provide better audio quality. The range of selectable
values for this parameter is determined by (1) the Audio Source
(Stereo or Mono), (2) the AAC-HE setting (enabled/disabled), and
(3) the Encode Stereo Inputs as Mono setting (enabled/disabled).
Sample Frequency Defines the frequency (or sampling rate) at which the audio is
sampled at the encoder. In general, higher sampling frequencies
provide better audio quality. Lower sampling frequencies however,
use less CPU resources, support lower bit rates, and provide
increased compression efficiency. The range of selectable values for
this parameter is determined by the L+R Bit rate setting. With
Digital Audio, 48k is the only sample frequency allowed. ‘
Name Stereo as Mono? AAC-HE Sample Freq Bit Rate †