48 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Server Settings
The server settings defined here are used for all streams associated with a program.
A transmitter pushes the stream to a configured destination. The destination may be a single
endpoint in the case of a unicast, or multiple endpoints in the case of multicast. The
transmitter does not directly depend on a client to initiate the streaming but is always
Unicast Time to Live (TTL) The number of hops (between routers) for which an
announcement is valid on the network.
Multicast Type of Service
The TOS (Type of Service) can be configured in the IP
header to establish packet priority in the network.
Unicast Type of
Service (TOS)
The TOS (Type of Service) can be configured in the IP
header to establish packet priority in the network.
Join Own Multicast Some network equipment requires that a Multicast source
(such as a VBrick encoder) join its own Multicast group.
This feature is enabled by default and has no adverse affect
on equipment that is fully Multicast-compliant.
Unicast Ping This parameter is used to instruct the VBrick to ping the
unicast destination periodically to test connectivity before
sending the stream. If Unicast Ping is not enabled, and the
destination goes offline, the unicast stream may be
broadcast to all destinations on the network, flooding the
network. Default = Enabled. This feature should only be
disabled if the network has a particular requirement that
makes it unworkable.
Transport Stream Mode Used by the appliance to control the flow of transport
stream data.
• Variable Medium Delay – Default. The stream flow is
smoother but with more delay. Generally recommended
for WAN applications.
• Variable Low Delay – The stream delay is minimized but
the flow can be bursty. Generally recommended for
LAN applications.
Transport Stream Estimated
Bit Rate
Read-only. The estimated bit rate for the selected Transport
Stream Mode.
RTCP Client Timeout This is the number of seconds that the VBrick will wait before it
decides that an H.264 player that was playing its video or audio is
no longer viewing or listening. Zero means wait forever—no
timeout. 0–99999. Default = 60.
Time To Live (TTL) The number of hops (between routers) for which an IP packet is
valid on the network.
Type of Service (TOS) The TOS (Type of Service) can be configured in the IP header to
establish packet priority in the network. See Table 7 TOS Settings