44 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Table 7. TOS Settings
Number of Programs
Read-only. This release supports one program.
Maximum RTSP Clients 0–202. Default = 200.
Maximum RTSP Bandwidth
0–1000000000. Default = 20000000.
Announce IP Address for
Default IP address to which transmitter announcements are
sent. This global announcement IP address is inherited by all
other transmitters. Default =
Announce IP Address for
Default IP address to which server announcements are sent.
This global announcement IP address is inherited by all
other servers. Default =
Announce Port Default = 9875
Announce Transmit Interval 1–9999. Default = 10. Determines how often the
announcement is transmitted.
Announce IP Multicast TTL 1–255. Default = 64
Announce IP Unicast TTL 1–255. Default = 64.
Announce IP TOS Type of Service settings control the level of priority a service
or source receives while traveling through a network. VBrick
supports setting the IP TOS (Type of Service) in accordance
with RFC-791, RFC-1112 and RFC-2474 (Differentiated
Services Field in the IPv4 Header). You can set the Type of
Service field in the IP header to any value, decimal 0 to 255.
See Table 7 below. Default = 0.
Priority Level Type of Service
111 Network Control
110 Internetwork Control
100 Flash override
011 Flash
010 Immediate
001 Priority
000 Routine
Bit 3 0 = Normal delay
1 = Low delay
Bit 4 0 = Normal throughput
1 = High throughput
Bit 5 0 = Normal reliability
1 = High reliability