34 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
3. In Select Video Source, choose one of the following and click Next.
T To use a VBrick as the Video Source:
1. Select
VBrick as the Video Source.
2. Select one VBrick by
Hostname and click Next (or Finish if no destinations are to be
3. Select one or more destination
VBrick(s) or IPR(s) that will receive the video and click
4. Verify the information and click
Create Schedule to add the new schedule to the
T To use a Program Name as the Video Source:
1. Select
Program Name as the Video Source.
2. Select one
Program Name and click Next.
3. Select the destination
VBrick(s) or IPR(s) that will receive the video and click Finish.
4. Verify the information and click
Create Schedule to add the new schedule to the
VBrick Select a live stream by VBrick name.
Program Name Select a live stream by Program Name from all available.
Enter Manually Enter an appliance source.
If you create a "server" schedule whereby a unicast stream is pulled from a WM server
(this means the
Destination is Server rather than Multicast), the scheduled event
cannot be launched from the Schedule page and will not display a TV icon. To launch
this stream, you must know the IP address of the VBrick resource, or an administrator
can add a URL for a live stream as explained in the Portal Server Admin Guide.