58 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
The following window shows questions that have been submitted preceded by the viewer's
login name. The display panel is auto refreshed each time someone asks a question. This
means you can see and answer new questions in realtime. Alternatively, you can tell your
audience to ask questions at any time but they will be answered at the end of the
Figure 13. Audience Questions
Viewing Live Presentations
Although presentation viewers can launch a presentation directly from the Portal Server
client page, the preferred method is to use the auto-generated "invitee" e-mail that all invited
viewers will receive. The e-mail invitation will direct viewers to a load-balanced distribution
server if present. Invited viewers will receive an e-mail similar to the following with different
links for internal and external viewers. Internal viewers are those in your local network; they
will view the presentation via multicast. External viewers are those on the public Internet;
they will view the presentation via unicast from a VBrick distribution server (if present).
Users who receive the e-mail can double-click on the calendar attachment in the invitation to launch
Microsoft Outlook and automatically schedule a reminder.
T To view a live presentation:
1. Open the e-mail invitation and click on the appropriate internal or external link.
Alternately, you can launch the presentation from the Portal Server by searching for
on the Live Media page.