42 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
2. When done click Finish, then verify the information and click Create Schedule to add the
new schedule to the calendar.
Record to VBrick
T To use a VBrick (MPEG-2 or WM VBStar) to save the recording:
1. Select
VBrick and click Next.
2. Enter a filename and then select a VBrick (MPEG-2 or WM VBStar) that will save the
3. Then click on the
Advanced tab, and complete the other fields.
Filename Filename of new recording. Filenames cannot exceed 25 characters
and cannot include
" : * ? < | [ ] If you append >d or >t to filename, it
will include the date and time in
mmddyy and hhmm format. For
example, if you enter the record filename as
history>d>t.mpg, the
recorded file will be
history0602081105.mpg if the recording started
at 11:05 AM on 06/02/08. If you schedule a recording with a
recurrence pattern, the filenames are automatically appended with the
date and time.
Add to VOD
The recorded file will be ingested to all VOD servers. This option is
available when a VBStar is configured as a VOD server.
FTP After Record
If an FTP server is configured, check this box to FTP the file after
recording. Use this parameter for a VBStar it is not configured as a
VOD server.
Overwrite Current
Check to overwrite an existing file with the same name.