
CD Player codes
Manufacturer Program Code Manufacturer Program Code
Aiwa 0157 Parasound 0420
Burmester 0420 Philips 0157,0626
California Audio Labs 0029 Pioneer 0032,0468,0305,
Carver 0157, 0179 Polk Audio 0157
DKK 0000 Proton 0157
Denon 0003, 0873 QED 0157
Emerson 0305 Quasar 0029
Fisher 0179 RCA 0053,0032,1062,
0468, 0305, 0179
Garrard 0420 Realistic 0179,0420
Genexxa 0032,0305 Rotel 0157,0420
Harman/Kardon 0157, 0173 SAE 0157
Hitachi 0032 Sansui 0157, 0305
JVC 0072 Sanyo 0179
Kenwood 0028,0190,0826,
Scott 0305
Krell 0157 Sears 0305
LXI 0305 Sharp 0037, 0861
Linn 0157 Sherwood 1067
MCS 0029 Sonic Frontiers 0157
MTC 0420 Sony 0000, 0490
Magnavox 0157, 0305 Soundesign 0145
Marantz 0157,0626,0029 Tascam 0420
Mission 0157 Teac 0420
NSM 0157 Technics 0029
Onkyo 0101, 0868 Victor 0072
Optimus 0032,0468,0420
0179, 0305, 1063,
0000, 0037, 0145
Wards 0053, 0157
Panasonic 0029
Yamaha 0036, 0888
Computer and Home automation codes
Manufacturer Program Code Manufacturer Program Code
Gateway 1272 Security System 0167
GE 0240 UniversalX10 0167
One For All 0167 X10 0167
Radio Shack 0240
Programming the universal remote control