VIVOTEK - A Leading Provider of Multimedia Communication Solutions
User's Manual - 33
The FTP server allows the Network Camera to utilize VIVOTEK Installation Wizard 2 to upgrade
firmware� By
default, the FTP port is set to 21� Also, it can be assigned with another port number
between 1025 and 65535�
RTSP Streaming
Authentication :
Depending on your network security requirements, the Network Camera provides
three types of security settings for streaming via RTSP protocol: disable, basic and digest� If basic
authentication is selected, the password is sent in plain text format; there can be potential risks
f being intercepted� If digest authentication is selected, user credentials are encrypted in MD5
algorithm and thus provide better protection against unauthorized accesses� The accessibility of
the RTSP streaming for the three authentication modes are listed in the following table�
Quick Time
Real Player VLC media
mpegable Player pvPlayer
Disable O O O O O
Basic O O X X X
Digest O X X X X
O indicates that the authentication mode is supported by the RTSP player�
X indicates that the authentication mode is NOT
supported by the RTSP player�
Access name for stream 1 / Access name for stream 2 :
The access name is used to differentiate
the streaming source� When using a RTSP player to access the Network Camera, and the video
mode is set to MPEG-4, use the following RTSP URL command to request a transmission of
streaming data