VIVOTEK - A Leading Provider of Multimedia Communication Solutions
44 - User's Manual
Exposure :
The Network Camera automatically adjusts the iris and gain, but fixed shutter speed (1/30 s)
n response to different environment� The exposure setting defaults to Auto and works well in
most situations� Depending on ambient lighting conditions, select either to turn on the back light
compensation or not; this feature is only accessible in auto exposure mode�
Shutter Priority
Select this option to adjust the desired shutter speed and allow the Network Camera to select
appropriate iris and gain to obtain the correct exposure� Adjust the shutter speed in sixteen
steps from 1/2 second (slowest) ~ 1/10000 second (fastest)�
Iris Priority
Select this option to adjust the desired iris and allow the Network Camera to select an
shutter speed and gain to obtain the correct exposure� Adjust the iris in seventeen
steps from F1�4 (largest size of lens aperture opening) ~ F22 (smallest size of lens aperture
Select this option to adjust the desired shutter speed, iris and gain� Adjust the shutter speeds in
eleven steps from 1/60 second (slowest) ~ 1/10000 second (fastest); the iris in seventeen steps
F1�4 (largest size of lens aperture opening) ~ F22 (smallest size of lens aperture opening)
and the gain in fifteen steps from 0db (lowest noise level) ~ 28db (highest noise level)�
Day/Night :
The Network Camera automatically switches between day mode and night mode by judging the
level of ambient light
� This mode is accessible only when the exposure mode is set to Auto�
Day mode