VIVOTEK - A Leading Provider of Multimedia Communication Solutions
58 - User's Manual
record video clips for how many seconds before a trigger is activated� Up to nine seconds can
be set�
Maximum duration
Specify the maximal recording duration in seconds� Up to ten seconds can be set�
For example, if the Pre-event recording is set to five seconds and the Maximum duration is set
to ten seconds, the Network Camera continues to record for another four seconds after a trigger
is activated
1sec. 2sec. 3sec. 4sec. 5sec. 6sec. 7sec. 8sec. 9sec. 10sec.
The moment the
trigger is activated.
Maximum file size
Specify the maximal file size allowed�
File Name Prefix
Enter the text that will be put in front of the file name�
Date and time suffix
The format is: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
File name prefix
System log
Select to send a system log when a trigger is activated�
When completed, click Save to take effect and then click Close to quit this page� The new media
name will appear in the media drop-down list on the Application page� To remove a media setting
from the list, select a media name from the drop-down list and then click Delete� Note that only
when the media setting is not being applied to an event setting can it be deleted�
Server Settings
In the Server column, click Add to open the server setting page� In this page, you can specify where
the notification messages will be send when a trigger is activated� A total of five server settings can
be configured�