When creating a Maintenance Program, the Program duration is continuous. Skip step 9 and
move to
Your Personal Program
9. Duration - The Program recommends a Program duration in weeks based on your weight loss
target. The shorter the duration, the tougher the Program is. By using the / buttons,
you can adjust the recommended duration within reasonable limits. Press OK. The wrist unit
displays Your Personal Program and automatically displays your targets.
Your Personal Program
Targets - the Program duration (in weeks) and the weight loss (in lbs or kg) are displayed.
When creating a Maintenance Program, the Program targets are to maintain your weight.
Press OK to proceed.
Daily Intake - the recommended number of calories that you should obtain from food and drink
daily is displayed. Press OK to proceed.
Weekly Exercise - the recommended number of calories that you should burn through exercise
weekly is displayed. Press OK.
The Program starts and the wrist unit automatically returns to the Time of Day display.
After you create your Program, you can start monitoring your progress in the electronic Diary.
The pen symbol indicates where you can find the Diary. The symbol is displayed until you update
your weight. For further information, see the section
Monitoring and Updating Your Progress
with WM22/WM21
, page 82. In WM42/WM41, when you update your weight, intake or exercise
calories, or your Extra value, the symbol disappears. For further information, see the section
Monitoring and Updating Your Progress with WM42/WM41
, page 84.
13 weeks
15.4 lbs/7.8 kg
Daily Intake: 1750 kcal
Weekly Exercise: 1850 kcal
Laura selects the recommended
13 week Weight Loss Program.
She creates her Program on a
Tuesday. The following Monday
she will still have 13 weeks left
because the Program duration
calculation starts from Monday.