...the OwnZone limits based on heart rate variability (OZV) vary a lot?
Heart rate variability reacts sensitively to all changes taking place in your body and environment. The OZV heart rate limits are
affected by, amongst other things, your state of fitness, the time of day of the OwnZone determination, the type of exercise and
your state of mind. The lower limit of the OZV can vary for the same person by as much as 30 beats. However it is important that
the exercise carried out in the OwnZone feels light or moderate. For example, if you raise your heart rate too rapidly after the first
stage, you may receive OwnZone heart rate limits that are too high. If the OwnZone limits seem to be too high, we recommend
that the OwnZone determination be repeated.
...I can rarely get the OwnZone determination working so that it would provide me with heart rate limits that are based on
heart rate variability (OZV).
1. Check that the elastic strap is snug enough.
2. Make sure that the electrodes of the transmitter are moistened against your skin.
3. Put on the transmitter 15–20 minutes prior to the start of your exercise to ensure good adaptation between the electrodes
and your skin.
4. If you get OwnZone limits based on age (OZA) or the previously determined OwnZone limits based on your heart rate
variability (OZL) in less than one minute, you have not raised your heart rate sufficiently slowly. Raise your heart rate
more slowly during the OwnZone determination. The heart rate reading should not rise over 20 beats/minute from the
starting level. During the first stage you could put on your exercise clothing.
5. If you get OwnZone limits based on age (OZA) or the previously determined OwnZone limits based on your heart rate
variability (OZL) after five minutes, you have not raised your heart rate sufficiently rapidly. Raise your heart rate more
quickly during the OwnZone determination.
6. If you have always used walking and running to determine your OwnZone, walking uphill or cycling may work better for you.
7. Stress or anxiety may reduce your heart rate variability so that the required point where the heart rate variability vanishes
cannot be measured. Relax for 5–10 minutes before exercising by sitting down and decreasing your heart rate.
8. For a small percentage of people, the heart rate variability will not totally disappear with increasing workload. In this
case the age-predicted limits are the best estimate for the exercising zone.