Weight Diary Settings
If you start from the Time of Day display, repeat steps 1–4.
5. Diary view On: Enables you to follow your weight progress in the Weight Diary.
Diary view Off: Weight Diary is not accessible.
Switch the view On or Off with the / buttons. Press OK.
If you choose Off, skip step 6.
6. Use the / buttons to set how often (daily, weekly, or never) the wrist unit should ask you to update your weight.
Press OK.
7. Press and hold the Back button to return to the Time of Day display.
By keeping track of your weight and calorie intake on a daily basis, you will have information on your progress immediately
at hand. By weighing yourself at least once a week, you can tell if you are on track. The idea is to stick to your plan and focus
on the overall weight loss target by making the necessary adjustments along the way. For further information, see the section
Monitoring and Updating Your Progress with WM42/WM41
, page 84.