Cleaning and caring for your range
Your range IS designed to be easy to clean You will usually wipe off
spills and spatters when they happen. but you will sometimes want to
clean under and behlnd the control knobs and surface units This sectton
u~ill tell vou how tc~) remove those, and what to use when cleaninq
Removing and replacing surface unit control knobs:
1 Be sure the control knobs are set to “OFF.”
2 Pull the black kt lobs straisht off
and trim ring
straight out. Remember
how the spring goes.
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To remove surface
unit, lift and pull
straight out.
Hold surface unit level
when replacing.
:i If rhg cotltrol hdy a chrome trim nny. pull it straight off.
4 Wash the knob5 land tnm rings) In warm, sudsy water
5 Replace thp tnm rings first If the control spring
removed, put
it back exactly as shown on the left.. .small end first.
h Hold the black knob so It points to “OFF” Push it straight back on.
Removing and replacing oven control knobs:
1 Be sure the knclhs are set to “OFF”
2 Pull each knob itralght off
:I Wash thud knob> in warm, sudsy water
4 The) knobs are not Interchangeable Make sure you put the adjust-
able Oven Temperature Control Knob on the right place, and the
nonadjustable Oven Selector Knob on the other
Removing surface units and reflector bowls:
1 First be suna thl’ Surface Unit Controls are all “OFF” and that the
surface units rlrt’ c-oo1
2 !.lft i~~5~tl >ur;(lct I!liit about all IrIch 12 5 cm) at the edge away from the
IJIU~J 11, rc~‘~l,t~~ k) Pull the unit straight away from the plug-in Do
,I, 11 I< ilsil ~11riocf r~n~ts. they u,ill burn themselves clean during normal
) L!!t ut
:irc :,,ilt ;or bou’ls
Replacing reflector bowls and surface units:
1 Be sure the surface unit controls are on “OFF”
2 Put the reflex tor howls back into their places Make sure you can see
the pluy~lns ~receptacles) for the surface units through the square
hole !n the side of each bowl
i Hold thtz surfact, unlt level with the prongs (terminals) polntlng at
the plug In
1 With the prorIgs -:arttid In the plug-in. start pushing in on the surface
ur:lt At the sdrnt’ rime. llft a little on the side of the surface unit that’s
b)m rtw piug-lr;
II M~kt- ZUI~’ tht~ \li: tace-ulrlt proligs are pushed into the plug-In as far as
t ht,;,
c III qu
i trt -urtace unit should fit into the reflector bowl and be
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