ALWAYS broil with
door open about 4
inches (10 cm).
L Loosen the locking 1
of notches.
Lower: move black part
toward “LO.”
One notch equals about
10’F (5°C).
Higher: move black
part toward “HI.”
One notch equals about
10°F (5’C).
The following chart suggests broiling times and oven-rack po-
sitions for different kinds of meats when the Oven Selector Knob is set
Inches (cm) from
top of food
to Broil
Description Element 1st side
2nd side
Variable Broil Feature:
Y<IU might wilnt IO b1-o11 some foods
than others Broiling
L.an be slowed down by it>ttlng a lower temperature on the Oven Temper-
ature Control Knob Instejad of “BROIL ” Using a lower temperature will
cause th? broil elemk’nt TO turn on and off during the broiling so that the
iood hrolls more slo:4iv
When the O\kz;n lernperature Control Knob is on “BROIL.” the
Broil Element heats ~111 the time. Set the temperature lower and it heats
some of rhe ttme T!I+ lower the temperature setting, the shortel are the
prriods of heatlny
NOTE: The Oven Selector must be on BROIL and the door
must be partly open for all broiling temperatures.
Resetting the Oven Temperature Control:
I)ot’~ Lout I\%‘~< ~~WII st~em hotter or colder thalr your old oven!
The tiJmpera;urt+
:I’ 1 )Idcr ,~vens often shift very gradually, gettlrlg hotter
(:r collie: iilthout the, ust’r really noticing the change Your r1eLL overr
propetl\ adlusted to proL)ldr accurate temperatures, hut when compared
to your ()Ici range thi, II~JN deslgrl may give you different baking results If
LOU thl; I!+ that the ternprraturc settlrlg on your range needs to be hotter or
L-C )IdiJy
L-a:) ad~u-r[ thk, C)Len Temperature Control Knoh by yourself
-I;) adlusr thi’ 7pttlllg first pull the Oven Temperature Control Knob
.traqhr ;ff 011 the t>,lci\ lui[ acroL;s from the locking screw, are a row of
rlotcht,y OII thcj blat!-. part oi the krlob and one tooth on the chrome part
1; J w tour o\ IJI~ about 10 F(5 C) cooler. loosen the locking screw
abc,ut INO friil turrii
m<)ve the row of notches one notch closer to
T, stzt your jve!~ about 10 Ft.5 C) warmer, move the row of
rrotche5 one notch ~~Ioser to
HI.“ Each notch equals about 10 Fi5 C)
I’~ght~rl thtx I# lcklltg \creua and put the knob back on the control